Studio Rentals

Rate for Studio Space:

Weekday $65/hr

Weekend : $85/hr

*Please ensure that preparation and wrap-up time are accounted for within your rental hours.

*Discounted rate applies for 8+ hrs, contact us before your booking)

Open 7 days a week, 7 AM - 9 PM

Recommended maximum capacity; 13 people.

Studio Tour

Overhead Lighting(Aputure P300C) Optional

Studio Ambient Promotional Video

We Have: (Free to use)

* Large White Cyclorama wall (also called infinity wall)

* 6 -107 inch rolling paper backdrop (Black, Blue, Pink and more colors will be added)

* 2 Love seat

* 1 Single sofa

* 3 different size white photography boxes

* 3 C-Stands

* 1 clothing rack

* Vanity Table with make up lighting

* Fully Curtained Changing Area

* Restroom

* Different Size Soft boxes to fit your need

* Extension Chords

* Cold/Hot drinking water

* Drink Cooler

* Microwave

* Free WIFI

* Resting Area/Lobby